
Welcome All Magazine Enthusiasts!edheadlogo

 “You just need to have a love for what you’re doing. It’s not about thinking that it’s the cool thing; it’s about really believing in it. I was brought up to believe absolutely in the importance of journalism and communication and to have a real love for the printed word. I have so much respect for all the talented people I work with, because they’re the best in their field and they care about what they do.”

-Anna Wintour


Ed@TCNJ is The College of New Jersey’s chapter of Ed2010, a national networking group for aspiring magazine editors, writers, and enthusiasts.

In 2005, Tammy Tibbetts, founder of  She’s The First, started the TCNJ chapter of Ed2010, and in 2008, Ed@TCNJ was declared Best Established Chapter in the nation!

Together, we Ed@TCNJ girls support each other in our quest to achieve dream jobs in the world of magazines by learning all we can about the industry.  Reaching out to successful TCNJ alumni for advice and hosting career-building social events, Ed@TCNJ learns behind-the-scenes info and valuable advice to use for our futures.

Join us at our next meeting: You don’t have to be a Journalism or English major to be a part of Ed – a love for magazines is all you need!

Contact Us:

For more information, email our Ed President.
Amy Reynolds: reynola1@tcnj.edu

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